
Upcoming events

  • PERI will have a number of presentations, papers, and demos at the SC07 conference Nov. 10-16, 2007 in Reno, NV. The full current schedule is on the PERI wiki.

    In particular, some of the methods being presented by Allan Snavely in the HPC Challenge Benchmark tutorial (how to make sense of the benchmarking results, what do they mean for my app) come out of his PERI modeling research.

Previous activities

  • PERI presented two posters at the SciDAC 2007 conference
    June 24-28 in Boston, MA:

    In addition, John Mellor-Crummey (Rice University) spoke on "Harnessing the Power of the Emerging Petascale Platforms".

  • Members of PERI participated in the autotuning workshop at the LACSI Symposium, Santa Fe, Oct. 2006. Agenda

Educational outreach

Students working with PERI PI's

PERI PI name Student name University affiliation
M. Hall Chun Chen University of Southern California
J. Hollingsworth Nick Rutar University of Maryland
Ananta Tiwari University of Maryland
J. Mellor-Crummey Gabriel Marin Rice University
Nathan Tallent Rice University
B. Norris Albert Hartono Ohio State University
D. Reed Todd Gamblin University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill